According to the Community Health Profile for Grand Prairie that was released in 2013, acute upper respiratory infections (AURI) are the leading causes of hospitalization in the area. This means that this group of diseases affect many Canadians each year. This is why it is important to learn about the traits and characteristics that differentiates these diseases from each other. Here are some of these traits.


The main difference among the diseases that are categorized as AURI is that they affect different organs. Rhinosinusitis, otherwise known as sinusitis mainly affect the sinuses and the other organs and membranes in the nose while otitis media affects the ears and the other organelles in this area.  Pharyngitis, laryngitis, epiglottitis and tonsillitis affect the tonsils, pharynx and other organs in the mouth and throat while bronchitis and tracheitis affect the organelles, membranes and other structures in the chest cavity aside from the lungs. Some AURI, specifically common colds or influenza, affect more than one area of the body.


Chest Pains

Chest Pains

Because of the fact that different diseases affect different organs and locations in the body, it does not come as a surprise that the symptoms differ as well. Sinusitis can cause nose congestion or runny nose while other diseases cannot. Bronchitis and tracheitis can cause chest pains and otitis media can cause ear discharges while other AURI cannot. However, AURI’s have similar symptoms such fever and fatigue. This is why they can easily be misdiagnosed especially by someone who does not have a trained eye.


Certain types of antibiotics and pain relievers work best on certain AURI based on the severity and the location of the infection or disease. Even though broad-spectrum antibiotics are commonly prescribed, giving specific types of antibiotics can be a necessity especially if the infection has become worse. Non-pharmacological treatments are also adjusted based on the specific disease and the present symptoms. This is why learning about these diseases for Grand Prairie first aid rescuers and taking first aid classes for residents is very important.

Through this type of knowledge, Grand Prairie first aid rescuers can apply the correct first aid techniques based on the actual disease of the patient. This increases the patient’s survivability rate and decreases the likelihood of misdiagnosis which can prompt doctors to order wrong medical interventions and possibly, medications. These classes will also teach residents how to manage the symptoms of these diseases non-pharmacologically. This is why taking Grand Prairie first aid classes is highly beneficial for residents.

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