Even though acute upper respiratory infections are the leading causes of adult emergency visits in Grand Prairie, these types of diseases are more common in children than in adults. This is because children are consistently exposed to environments and situations which put them at greater risk for acquiring these diseases. This is why knowing basic Grand Prairie first aid is a must of parents. Here are some of the risk factors of acute upper respiratory infections in children.

Bottle feeding

In a study that was conducted by Dr. Sheryl W. Abrahams and Dr. Miriam H. Labbok which was published in the United States National Library of Medicine in 2011, it was revealed that cases of otitis media was higher for babies who were introduced to bottle feeding within six months after birth. Their research strongly supports the study that was conducted by Swedish researchers in 1994 in which it was revealed that breastfed children have more immunity towards the disease. Considering that all babies should be introduced to formula at some point, babies are immediately exposed to one of the risk factors of AURI, specifically otitis media, months after being born.

Low Immunity

Fever - A symptom of of an AURI

Fever – A symptom of of an AURI

Because of the fact that the immune system of children are generally weaker than the immune system of adults, they are more likely to suffer from diseases that are caused by bacterial and viral infections such as AURI. This means that even if they are home-schooled or even if they do not always meet a lot of people and go to many public places, they are still at risk for developing one form of AURI.

Human Interaction

Many researchers suggest that children who are constantly put in daycare centers are at a higher risk for developing AURI simply because humans can become passive carriers to the strains of bacteria and viruses which can cause these types of diseases. This means that humans who do not exhibit any AURI symptoms can still be carriers and can still infect children.

What Can First Aid Classes Do?

Through Grand Prairie first aid classes, parents will learn how to avoid and prevent the transmission of the bacterial and viral strains which can cause AURI. This means that children can still socialize with other people without being at risk for developing these diseases. Parents will also learn how to manage otitis media and other forms of AURI which can be inevitable especially for children who are being introduced to formula feeding in first aid classes. This can significantly lower the mortality of these types of diseases.

The information posted on this page is for educational purposes only.
If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional

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